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Friday 05 de July

Joe Granda will be recognized for his work on behalf of the LGBT community

Joe Granda will be recognized for his work on behalf of the LGBT community

The tribute will be part of
Fashion + Music + Art Tropical Paradise Extravaganza,
which will be held in Miami Beach on July 21 during
Mercedes Benz Fashion Week

Granda is a well-known artistic producer and promoter
who has worked with top record companies, such as Sony,
BMG, Universal Music Latino, EMI-Televisa, WEA Latina,
Estefan Enterprises and Univision Music

He has produced some of the most important events
celebrating the achievements of the LGBT communities
in Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami

The event will include a fashion show with the latest work
by designers Yirko Sivirich from Peru and Guio Domínguez
from Colombia

Producer Joe Granda will be recognized for his many achievements during the Fashion + Music + Art Tropical Paradise Extravaganza on July 21 during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in a gala to benefit the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. Florida State Senator Gwen Margolis will recognize Granda?s work on behalf of of the LGBT community.

Born in Cuba, Granda came to Miami with his parents approximately 40 years ago. He started his career in show business at the tender age of 8 and through perseverance and hard work throughout the years continued to earn the respect of celebrities, music icons and just about anyone connected with the world of entertainment.

His tireless work on behalf of the LGBT community is legendary. It includes an endless list of stars and countless productions: albums, songs and events to bring awareness to the plight of this often neglected community.  

Granda studied business administration at Miami Dade College, later working for established clubs and organizing talent contests. He worked with the big record labels in the industry, such as Sony, BMG, Universal Music Latino, EMI-Televisa, WEA Latina, Estefan Enterprises and Univision Music. 

Among his memorable projects are the Hispanic LGBT presentations "Orgullo" (Pride); Hispanic panels and awards at the Winter Music Conference in Miami; National Gay Club Tours, including   Latin Gay Pride presentations in Long Beach; San Francisco Pride, San Diego Pride; and LA Pride.

Granda has produced some vitally important Latin music events for more than 12 years: "Viva La Música" in SeaWorld, Orlando and Busch Gardens, Tampa. He is also CEO of Granda Entertainment, Angel Eyes Music Group, DigiPromo Distribution Network, and publisher of the magazine Latin Music Club Report and the music publishers Music Publishing (BMI), Eyes of an Angel Music (BMI) and Joey-Joe Music (ASCAP).

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